Thursday, June 26, 2008

Searching William Faulkner

Google continues to amaze me. I discovered a capability the other day -- actually, a by-product of creating this blog, to be honest -- that allows users to set up a "Custom Search" that will release the search results within a page within your own web site. And the icing on the cake: you can specify WHICH sites to search within.

So I set up what I am calling (for now) the "Faulkner Consolidated Search," which I've incorporated into my Faulkner Web site. The search looks for items within William Faulkner on the Web as well as my other primary Web project, The Mississippi Writers Page, but it also searches Faulkner Web sites maintained by others, including the William Faulkner Society, the Center for Faulkner Studies at Southeast Missouri State University, the Web site for The Faulkner Journal, two international Faulkner centers in Japan and France, and a few other sites which focus on Southern studies and/or literature.

I'm really quite fascinated by it.

The actual search box is represented below. Try it! (The results will load in my Faulkner Web site.)

Custom Search

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